
I am an evolutionary ecologist. I did my PhdD in Montpellier, at ISEM (Institute of Evolutionary Sciences of Montpellier).

Since exploring data and visualizing is fun, I thought I would share the fun with others, that’s what we scientists do.

Research interests

I am generally interested in topics at the frontiers of ecology and evolution. I use field and experimental data to investigate how organisms react plastically or adapt to their environment

During my PhD, I investigated mating system evolution, adaptation and the mutual influences of both processes. I studied different aspects of this interaction using a hypertolerant, hyperaccumulator plant species, Noccaea caerulescens. This species grows on former mines and non-contaminated soils in Europe and in particularly in the CĂ©vennes, and it is an excellent model to study the interaction of local adaptation in a heterogeneous environment and mating system.

During my first postdoc, I studied plant plasticity in response to shade and investigate how the environment of the parents influence offspring traits, using the wild snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus.

During my current postdoc, I study how crosses between higly inbred lines of wild Medicago truncatula affects the trade-off between resources acquisition and conservation in leaves.


I graduated from both the Master Biosciences, in Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France) and from the Master Erasmus Mundus in Evolutionary Biology (MEME). The MEME is jointly organised by several European universities: Uppsala, Montpellier, Groningen and Munich.